Officer Team
2024 – 2025

Howdy! My name is Yzette Torres. I am a senior forensic science major from Houston, Texas. I joined the Pre-Pharmacy Society as a way to get my foot in the door and to expose myself to many pharmacy opportunities. I love assisting in compounding at the Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital. Serving the unheard and overlooked populations has always been a dedication of mine.
As president, I will preside over all meetings (regular and executive) throughout the year. I serve as a main communicator and coordinator between our advisors, officers, and members for activities and receiving ideas about improving the society for our members.
Vice President

Howdy! My name is Nick Garcia-Rhodes and I am a senior BIMS major from Bryan, TX. I joined the Pre-Pharmacy Society last school year to give me an extra push in my pre-pharm journey. My professional interests lie in clinical pharmacy, but I am keeping an open mind!
As Vice President, I will do my best to provide leadership and support in this organization’s activities and operations. I hope to help current students with their journeys into pharmacy and see them excel in everything they do.

Howdy! My name is Amy Najera Demoraes and I’m a biomedical science major from Houston,TX! I joined the TAMU Pre-Pharm Society last year after I discovered that my passion is serving the community by providing pharmaceutical assistance to patients and understanding how medications influence the body.
As Secretary, it is my responsibility to invite different pharmacy schools to speak at our meetings and by being another helping hand within the officers. My goal this year is to help members reach their goal to pharmacy school and to develop new friendships with fellow Aggies interested in pharmacy!

Hi, my name is Thi Nguyen. I am a senior Biology major with minor in Neuroscience from Houston. I joined Pre-Pharmacy Society as I am interested in pharmacy and hope to become a pharmacist in a specialized field such as oncology or pediatric. Through this organization, I was able to gain more insight in the diverse aspect of pharmacy, pharmacy schools, and application processes. I am also a Pharmacy Technician at Walgreens to gain experience in the pharmacy.
I am the Treasurer for this year and it’s my responsibility to manage our funds and budget, ensuring financial transactions adhere to SOFC policies, and update our organization’s Flywire account. My goal this year is to promote and boost our T shirt sale!
As the treasurer, I am responsible for collecting the membership dues, budgeting, and keeping track of payments.
membership chair

Howdy! My name is Ananya Dhar. I am a senior Nutrition major from Houston, Texas. I joined the Pre-Pharmacy Society in Fall 2022 since my interest lies in the field. I do not know which line of pharmacy that I want to work in and find one that best suits my qualities, being organized, helping patients with their medicine, and being a form of support, so I am still looking and the Pre-Pharmacy Society is helping me explore all the occupations within pharmacy in that process.
As Membership Chair, it is my responsibility to keep track of everyone's attendance and points earned that they have participated in. My goal this year is for members to be a part of our organization's events and be able to assist them throughout their college experience.
social chair

Howdy! My name is Le'Dea Daniels. I am a sophomore biology major from Dallas, Texas. I join the Pre-Pharmacy Society just last year due to my interest in the field. I hope one day to work as a pediatric pharmacist and help all kinds of children. The Pre-Pharmacy society is helping me achieve my goals!​
As Social Chair, it is my responsibility to coordinate social and service events and manage all social media accounts, including our instagram and aggie pre-pharm website. My goal for this year is for members to meet current pharmacy students and gain insight into their student life.